Sanne de Bruin

49 Transfusion practice in the non-bleeding critically ill; an international online survey – The TRACE Survey Appendix 2: Static version questionnaire Demographics 1. In which country do you work? 2. What is your intensive care certification level a. Intensivist b. Resident, specialist in training c. Specialist non intensivist practising ICU d. Nurse e. Student f. Other, please specify 3. What is your primary medical specialty a. Anaesthesiology b. Cardiology c. Internal medicine d. Neurology e. Paediatrics f. Pulmonology g. Surgery h. Other, please specify 4. Type of intensive care unit (ICU) a. Medical ICU b. Surgical ICU c. Mixed ICU d. Other, please specify 5. Number of ICU beds a. <10 b. 10-15 c. 16-20 d. >20 6. Annual number of patients treated in the ICU a. <500 b. 500-1000 c. 1001-1500 d. 1501-2000 e. >2000 7. Type of institution a. University hospital b. University affiliated hospital c. Non-university public hospital d. Private hospital e. Other, please specify 8. Do you have a transfusion protocol in your hospital? a. Yes b. No c. I don’t know d. Other, please specify 9. Do you have a transfusion protocol specific for the intensive care unit in your hospital? a. Yes b. No c. I don’t know d. Other, please specify 2