Sanne de Bruin

Contents Chapter 1 General introduction and scope of the thesis. 7 Chapter 2 Transfusion practice in the non-bleeding critically ill; an international online survey – The TRACE Survey. Published Critical Care 2019 25 Chapter 3 Transfusion practice in critically ill with an active bleeding; an international online survey – The TRACE2 Survey. Published Transfusion 2021 55 Chapter 4 International point Prevalence Study of Intensive Care unit Transfusion Practices – pilot study. Published Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 2019 55 Chapter 5 Metabolic changes in erythrocytes in vivo, during storage and after transfusion, review . Manuscript submitted 123 Chapter 6 Storage of red blood cells in the alkaline storage solution PAGGGM improves metabolism after transfusion but has no effect on post transfusion recovery. Manuscript submitted 143 Chapter 7 Biotinylation of platelets for transfusion purposes - a novel method to label platelets in a closed system. Published Transfusion 2019 177 Chapter 8 General Summary 203 Chapter 9 General discussion 209 Chapter 10 Nederlandse samenvatting 221 Appendices List of Publications 231 Curriculum Vitae 235 PhD portfolio 236 Dankwoord 239