Sanne de Bruin

50 Chapter 2 Red blood cell transfusion 10. Which unit do you use to measure hemoglo- bin levels? a. g/dL b. g/L (=mg/ml) c. mmol/L 11. What is your overall threshold for blood transfusion in a general population of anemic critically ill patients? 12. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with acute coronary syndrome? 13. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with septic shock? 14. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury? 15. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients receiv- ing ECMO? 16. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with ARDS? 17. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with prolonged weaning frommechanical venti- lation? 18. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients >65 years? 19. What is your threshold for blood transfu- sion in anemic critically ill patients with a hematologic malignancy? 20. What is your threshold for blood trans- fusion in anemic critically ill oncology patients? 21. Do you check hemoglobin levels after transfusion of one unit red cell concen- trates before transfusing a second unit in non-bleeding critically ill patients? a. Always b. Most of the time c. Sometimes d. Never 22. Do you also use physiological transfusion triggers (e.g. tachycardia) in addition to a hemoglobin threshold? a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 23. Which physiological transfusion triggers do you use in non-bleeding patients? (multiple answers possible) a. Tachycardia b. Hypotension c. Arrhythmia d. Significant ECG changes e. SvO 2 (mixed venous saturation of oxygen) < 65 % f. ScvO 2 (central venous oxygen satura- tion) < 65 % g. Lactate >2 mmol/L h. Acidosis i. Other, please specify 24. How would you rank the following triggers of importance to you? (1 means most im- portant) a. All triggers ticked by respondent in previous question are mentioned. 25. Which of the following treatment options do you use to prevent transfusion of red