Sanne de Bruin

52 Chapter 2 35. How do you correct a plasmatic coag- ulopathy (INR>3.0) prophylactically in non-bleeding patients who used vitamin K antagonists on the ICU? (multiple answers possible) a. Vitamin K b. Cofact (prothrombin complex) c. Plasma d. Other, please specify 36. Do you correct a plasmatic coagulopa- thy (INR >3) in non-bleeding critically ill patients on the ICU prior to an invasive procedure (e.g. placing a central line) who used vitamin K antagonists? a. Always b. Most of the time c. Sometimes d. Never 37. How do you treat plasmatic coagulopathy (INR >3.0) prior to an invasive procedure in non-bleeding patients who used vitamin K antagonists on the ICU? (multiple answers possible) a. Vitamin K b. Cofact (prothrombin complex) c. Plasma d. Other, please specify 38. Do you check the INR after transfusion of one unit of plasma before transfusing a second unit in a non-bleeding patient with plasmatic coagulopathy (INR >3.0) prior to an invasive procedure on the ICU who used vitamin K antagonists? a. Always b. Most of the time c. Sometimes d. Never e. Not applicable 39. If you decide to transfuse a non-bleeding critically ill patient, what type of plasma do you use? (multiple answers possible) a. Pooled plasma (e.g. Omniplasma) b. FFP (fresh frozen plasma) c. Other (please specify)