Sanne de Bruin

62 Chapter 3 use PCC (68%), plasma (64%), Idarucizumab for dabigatran (48%), vitamin K (23%) or andexanet alpha for rivaroxaban or apixaban (21%). Table 2. No. of respondents(%) What kind of plasma do you use during massive transfusion? Pooled plasma (e.g. Omniplasma) 29(7%) Fresh frozen plasma 370(92%) Lyophilized plasma 12(3%) What guides the choice of type of blood products prescribed to patients requiring massive transfusion? I use fixed ratios of blood products 184(46%) Conventional lab based testing (e.g. International Normalized Ratio (INR), platelet count , fibrinogen, hemoglobin) 268(67%) Point of care viscoelastic testing (Thromboelastography (TEG) or Thromboelastometry (ROTEM)) 163(41%) What ratio of blood products do you use during massive transfusion (one platelet concentrate = pooled product from 5 donors) 1 : 1 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 60(15%) 3 : 3 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 45(11%) 6 : 6 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 19(5%) 6 : 3 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 23(6%) Whole blood 2(0%) Other 38(9%) How do you correct a plasmatic coagulopathy (INRx1.5 reference value or prolonged clotting time with TEG or ROTEM) in critically ill patients with massive blood loss who used vitamin K antagonists? Vitamin K 274(68%) Prothrombin complex (Cofact/Octoplex/Beriplex) 314(78%) Plasma 246(61%) Other 7(2%) Nothing 3(1%)