Sanne de Bruin

64 Chapter 3 The effect of an MTP on transfusion practice Several differences were observed between respondents with andwithout anMTP avail- able in their ICU (Additional file 3 table S1). The respondents with an MTP available were more often working in high income countries (162(80%) versus 119(62%), p<0.001). When an MTP was available, more often fixed ratios were used (120(57%)) than when noMTPwas available (64(33%), p<0.001). In addition, when fixed ratios were used, most often the 1:1:1 ratio was used, while in the absence of the MTP, a wide range of ratios employed were reported. Tranexamic acid was more often used if an MTP was available (96% versus 90%, p=0.019). Figure 2. The use of tranexamic acid (TXA) inmassively (panel A) and non-massively (panel B) bleeding patients on the ICU.