Sanne de Bruin

71 Transfusion practice in the bleeding critically ill; an international online survey – The TRACE-2 Survey high income countries, therefore are our findings mainly generalizable to high resource settings. Finally, the definition of massive bleeding is currently still under debate. We used a broad definition of massive bleeding, however respondents may have used their own personal definitions for this term. Conclusion In conclusion, we observed a high variety in transfusion practice among intensive care physicians and a lack of guidelines for the management of bleeding critically ill pa- tients. The presence of a massive transfusion protocol influenced transfusion practices. Current transfusion practice was influenced by large transfusion studies in trauma pa- tients. However, since these studies might not be completely applicable to all critically ill patients, more research specifically into the management of bleeding critically ill patients is warranted. List of abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance DOAC direct oral anticoagulant ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation GI gastro-intestinal Hb hemoglobin ICU intensive care unit MTP massive transfusion protocol PCC prothrombin complex concentrate RBC(s) red blood cell(s) tbi traumatic brain injury TXA tranexamic acid VKA vitamin K antagonist 3