Sanne de Bruin

76 Chapter 3 b. Conventional lab based testing (e.g. INR, platelet count, fibrinogen, hemo- globin) c. Point of care viscoelastic testing (TEG/ ROTEM) 10. What ratio of blood products do you use in your massive transfusion protocol? (one platelet concentrate = pooled product from 5 donors) a. 1 : 1 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : plate- lets concentrate) b. 3 : 3 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : plate- lets concentrate) c. 6 : 6 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : plate- lets concentrate) d. 6 : 3 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : plate- lets concentrate) e. Whole blood f. Other, please specify 11. How do you correct a plasmatic coagulopa- thy (International Normalized Ratio > x1.5 reference value or prolonged cloth time with TEG/ROTEM) in critically ill patients with massive blood loss in the ICU who used vitamin K antagonists? (multiple an- swers possible) a. Vitamin K b. Prothrombin complex (Cofact/Octo- plex/Beriplex) c. Plasma d. Nothing e. Other, please specify 12. How do you correct a plasmatic coagulop- athy in critically ill patients with massive blood loss in the ICU who used direct oral anti-coagulants (DOAC’s)? (multiple an- swers possible) a. Vitamin K b. Prothrombin complex (Cofact/Octo- plex/Beriplex) c. Plasma d. Recombinant factor VIIa e. Idarucizumab (for dabigatran) f. Andexanet (for rivaroxaban or apix- aban) g. Nothing h. Other, please specify 13. What guides your use of fibrinogen in critically ill patients with massive bleeding? (multiple answers possible) a. I empirically administer fibrinogen b. I empirically administer fibrinogen, but start titrating when first lab results are available c. I administer fibrinogen after lab test- ing (fibrinogen level) d. I administer fibrinogen after viscoelas- tic testing (TEG/ROTEM) e. Other, please specify 14. What guides your use of prothrombin complex (Cofact/Octoplex/Beriplex) in critically ill patients with massive bleeding? (multiple answers possible) a. I empirically administer prothrom- bin complex b. I empirically administer prothrombin complex, but start titrating when first lab results are available c. I administer prothrombin com- plex after lab testing (INR/PT) d. I administer prothrombin complex after viscoelastic testing (TEG/ROTEM) e. Other, please specify 15. Do you use tranexamic acid in critically ill patients with massive bleeding? a. Yes b. No 16. What guides your use of tranexamic acid in critically ill patients with massive bleeding? (multiple answers possible) a. I empirically administer tranexamic acid b. I administer tranexamic acid after viscoelastic testing (TEG/ROTEM) c. Other, please specify