Sanne de Bruin

78 Chapter 3 Platelets What is your threshold for platelet transfusion in... 28. … a general population of non-massive- ly bleeding critically ill patients? (10^9 cells/L) 29. … traumatic non-massively bleeding criti- cally ill patients? (10^9 cells/L) 30. … upper gastrointestinal-tract non-mas- sively bleeding critically ill patients? (10^9 cells/L) 31. … post-cardiothoracic surgery non-mas- sively bleeding critically ill patients? (10^9 cells/L) 32. … obstetric non-massively bleeding critical- ly ill patients? (10^9 cells/L) 33. … non-massively bleeding critically ill patients suffering from sepsis and/or dis- seminated intravascular coagulation? (10^9 cells/L) 34. … non-massively bleeding critically ill patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation? (10^9 cells/L) 35. … non-massively bleeding critically ill patients suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke and/or traumatic brain injury? (10^9 cells/L) 36. … non-massively bleeding critically ill patients receiving anti-platelet therapy (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamol, clopi- cogrel, ticagrelor)? (10^9 cells/L) 37. Do you check platelet count after trans- fusion of one unit thrombocyte concen- trate before transfusing a second unit in non-massive bleeding critically ill patients in the ICU? a. Always b. Most of the time c. Sometimes d. Never Plasma 38. Which coagulation test do you use in order to decide whether a non-massively bleed- ing critically ill patient could benefit from a plasma transfusion? (multiple answers possible) a. PT/INR b. aPTT c. Fibrinogen d. Rotational thromboelastome- try (ROTEM) e. Thromboelastography (TEG) f. Other, please specify 39. From which INR-value would you consider transfusing plasma to a general population of non-massively bleeding critically ill patients? 40. Do you check the PT/INR or performTEG/ ROTEM before transfusing a second unit of plasma in a non-massively bleeding critical- ly ill patient with plasmatic coagulopathy? a. Always b. Most of the time c. Sometimes d. Never