Sanne de Bruin

81 Transfusion practice in the bleeding critically ill; an international online survey – The TRACE-2 Survey Additional file 3: Supplemental tables Table S1. Difference between respondents with and without a massive transfusion protocol Massive transfusion protocol (N= 209) No massive transfusion protocol (N= 192) P-value What kind of plasma do you use during massive transfusion? Pooled plasma (e.g. Omniplasma) 19(9%) 10(5%) 0.191 Fresh frozen plasma 196(94%) 174(91%) 0.32 Lyophilized plasma 7(3%) 5(3%) 0.885 What guides the choice of type of blood products prescribed to patients requiring massive transfusion? I use fixed ratios of blood products 120(57%) 64(33%) p<0.001 Conventional lab based testing (e.g. International Normalized Ratio (INR), platelet count , fibrinogen, hemoglobin) 133(64%) 135(70%) 0.189 Point of care viscoelastic testing (Thromboelastography (TEG) or Thromboelastometry (ROTEM)) 101(48%) 62(32%) 0.002 What ratio of blood products do you use during massive transfusion (one platelet concentrate = pooled product from 5 donors) 1 : 1 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 43(21%) 17(9%) 0.023 3 : 3 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 29(14%) 16(8%) 6 : 6 : 1 (red blood cells : plasma : platelets concentrate) 11(5%) 8(4%) 3