Kimmy Rosielle

112 Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 5. (Continued) Intervention Reference Country Study design Purpose No. Population Mean age at HSG (y) (SD or IQR) Median (range) Contrast Volume OSCM (mL) Median (range) Fluoroscopy HSG results (Uzun et al., 2004) Turkey Case report Case of pulmonary embolism with comatose state OSCM = 1 Secondary amenorrhoea 29 LipiodolÒ Ultra Fluid - - Irregular endometrial cavity At least one tube patent (Schutte et al., 2006) Netherlands Case report Case of retention of OSCM OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 31 - - - - (Gotoh et al., 2010) Japan Case report Case of retention of OSCM OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 39 OSCM - - - (Morii et al., 2013) Japan Case report Case of FitzHugh-Curtis syndrome-like findings OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 37 OSCM - - - (Omoto et al., 2013) Japan Case report Case of fetal goiter OSCM = 1 Secondary subfertility 40 Lipiodol (not spec) 10 - Both tubes patent (Takeyama et al., 2014) Japan Case report Case of retention of OSCM OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 34 OSCM - - - (Ueda et al., 2016) Japan Case report Case of pulmonary embolism OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec), previous left tubectomy 27 LipiodolÒ Ultra Fluid 8 Yes Left salpingectomy Right not described