Kimmy Rosielle

113 Safety of HSG with oil-based contrast medium 5 Supplementary Table 5. (Continued) Intervention Reference Country Study design Purpose No. Population Mean age at HSG (y) (SD or IQR) Median (range) Contrast Volume OSCM (mL) Median (range) Fluoroscopy HSG results (Ma et al., 2016) China Case report Case of maternal thyroid dysfunction OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 33 OSCM 100 - Both tubes patent (Sasaki et al., 2017) Japan Case report Case of fetal goiter OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 27 OSCM - - - (Li et al., 2018) China Case series Cases of (subclinical) hypothyroidism OSCM = 14 - - OSCM - - - (Yamazaki et al., 2019) Japan Case report Case of fetal goiter OSCM = 1 - 35 OSCM 3 HSGs - - (Miyazaki et al., 2020) Japan Case report Case of oil granuloma OSCM = 1 Subfertility (not spec) 30 Lipiodol (not spec) - - - (Rubin, 1928) USA Cohort not specified CO2-insufllation followed by HSG OSCM = 66 - - Lipiodol (not spec) - - Bilateral tubal occlusion 100% (Witwer et al., 1930) USA Retrospective cohort Evaluate complications OSCM = 512 - - Lipiodol (not spec) 4 (2.5 – 5.0) Not standard Not described. Only 1 case with tubal rupture in which bilateral hydrosalpinx (Riche and Fayot, 1931) France Retrospective cohort Evaluate complications OSCM = 120 HSGs not for infertility 21% - Lipiodol (not spec) - - -