Kimmy Rosielle

118 Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 5. (Continued) Intervention Reference Country Study design Purpose No. Population Mean age at HSG (y) (SD or IQR) Median (range) Contrast Volume OSCM (mL) Median (range) Fluoroscopy HSG results (Buytaert and Meulyzer, 1977) Belgium Retrospective cohort Evaluate pregnancy rates and complications OSCM = 208 Prim subfertility 65% Sec subfertility 35% - Lipiodol 40% 3-6 Yes - (Bateman et al., 1980) USA Cohort not spec Evaluate complications after HSG OSCM = 533 Subfertility and preoperative HSG before tuba reconstruction Intravasation cases: 24-33 Ethiodol (37%) 1.5 – 12 Yes Cases with complications: Bilateral tubal occlusion 69% (La Sala et al., 1982) Italy Retrospective cohort study Evaluate intravasation after HSG OSCM = 119 Sterility, suspected uterine malformations and other pathologies - LipiodolÒ ultra fluid (40%) 5-10 Yes - (Rasmussen et al., 1987) Denmark Cohort not spec Evaluate pregnancy rates after HSG OSCM = 294 Prim subfertility 59% Sec subfertility 41% 28 (19 – 40) LipiodolÒ Ultra Fluid 5-10 Yes Both tubes patent: 41% Unilateral tubal occlusion 14% Bilateral tubal occlusion 19%