Kimmy Rosielle

120 Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 5. (Continued) Intervention Reference Country Study design Purpose No. Population Mean age at HSG (y) (SD or IQR) Median (range) Contrast Volume OSCM (mL) Median (range) Fluoroscopy HSG results (Satoh et al., 2015) Japan Retrospective cohort study Evaluate neonatal thyroid function OSCM = 212 - - Lipiodol (480) 5-10 - - (So et al., 2017) Japan Cohort not spec Compare maternal thyroid function after HSG with OSCM and WSCM OSCM = 164 WSCM = 94 OSCM: Sec subfertility 36.6% < 3 months before HSG normal thyroid function 34 (4.3) Lipiodol (480) 5 - OSCM: Bilateral tubal occlusion 11% (Brown et al., 1949) USA Cohort not spec Evaluate absorption of OSCM OSCM = 118 - - Lipiodol (not spec) Iodochlorol Lipoiodine 8-12 No - (Slater et al., 1959) USA Prospective study Evaluate thyroid function after HSG with OSCM and WSCM OSCM = 10 WSCM = 18 All clinically euthyroid. - Ethiodol - - - (Brent et al., 2006) Australia Prospective cohort Evaluate pregnancy rates and complications after HSG OSCM = 100 Prim subfertility 60% Sec subfertility 40% 36.83 (4.26) LipiodolÒ Ultra Fluid 10 (sometimes >10) Yes Bilateral tubal patency 80% Bilateral tubal occlusion 4%