Kimmy Rosielle

139 VR for pain relief in HSG 6 Table 1. Baseline characteristics. Characteristic Intervention n= 69 Control n= 65 Age (year, median (IQR)) 35 (5.00) 35 (4.00) BMI (kg/m2, mean (st dev)) 23.9 (4.4) 24.6 (4.4) Duration of infertility (months, mean (st dev)) 29.8 (15.4) 27.0 (16.4) Primary infertility (%) 47 (72.3) 45 (65.2) Risk assessment for tubal pathology* (%) High risk 11 (15.9) 12 (18.5) Low Risk 58 (84.1) 53 (81.5) Cause of infertility (%) Male factor 7 (10.1) 5 (7.7) Female factor 12 (17.4) 7 (10.8) Male and female factor 1 (1.4) 2 (3.1) Unexplained 49 71.0) 51 (78.5) Current smoker# (%) 3 (4.3) 4 (6.3) *Considered as high risk for tubal pathology were history of symptomatic Chlamydia Trachomatis infection, a positive Chlamydia Antibody Test (CAT) on screening, history of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), history of endometriosis, history of surgery on ovaries or fallopian tubes and a history of ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, the HSG was performed using a cervical vacuum cup. More than 90 percent of women in both the intervention and control group used pain medication prior to the HSG. HSG procedure characteristics and outcomes are reported in Table 2.