Kimmy Rosielle

178 Chapter 8 age and duration of subfertility with the FertiQoL scores. For the ECQ no comparative statistics were possible in relation to the reference population of the questionnaire, so the results are shown in a bar chart. Answers to the open-ended questions were read and explanations for the results from the questionnaires were sought. RESULTS A total of 330 infertility patients (81 from the university hospital, 249 from the patient organization), 181 endometriosis patients (101 from the university hospital, 80 from the patient organization) and 101 healthcare providers responded. Not all questionnaires were fully completed, but all available data were used in the results (Figure 1). Figure 1. Recruitment of participants. The response rate was calculated for the participants from the university hospital and the healthcare providers. As the participants from the patient organizations were recruited via social media, the number of individual clicks on the link are given but a response rate cannot be calculated. Virtual care refers to the part of the questionnaire consisting of questions evaluating telephone consultations and video consultations. ECQ, ENDOCARE questionnaire Patient characteristics Patient characteristics for the infertility patients are shown in Table 3, and those for the women with endometriosis in Table 4. The median age of the infertility patients was 33. Around half of the infertility patients suffered from primary infertility. The participants from the endometriosis population had a median age of 35 and predominantly reported having moderate to severe endometriosis. One-third of the participants with