Kimmy Rosielle

220 Appendix PHD PORTFOLIO PhD Student: Kimmy Rosielle PhD period: March 2019 – December 2022 PhD supervisors: Prof. Dr. V. Mijatovic, Prof. Dr. C.B. Lambalk, Dr. K. Dreyer, Prof. Dr. B.W.J. Mol Presentations 2023 Presentation ‘Hysterosalpingografie – geschiedenis, effect en complicaties’ Future of Medical Imaging and Radiology 2023, Almere 2020 Presentation ‘The effect of the COVOID-19 pandemic on women facing infertility in the Netherlands’ (Held by dr. van Loendersloot) ESHRE 2022 (digital) 2020 Presentation ‘Patiëntervaringen met endometriose- en fertiliteitszorg tijdens de intelligente lockdown’ Refeeravond Amsterdam UMC (digital) V&VN symposium (digital) Conference attendance 2022 ESRHE Milan 2020 ESHRE Online 2020 UK Fertility Grant 2020 ZonMw grant in program ‘COVID-19, wetenschap voor de praktijk’ Title project: The impact and consequences of the restrictive measures following the COVID-19 outbreak for fertility patients and patients with endometriosis in the Netherlands. Teaching 2022 Supervision high school students with research internship, 6 months 2020 Supervision master student Medicine with research internship, 4 months 2019 – 2022 Pre internship training Gynaecology for Masters’ students Medicine