Kimmy Rosielle

94 Chapter 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Mr B de Vries, Clinical Librarian at the Máxima MC for his assistance in developing the search strategies and his perseverance in retrieving the old manuscripts and Mrs J Dieleman for her statistical assistance. We want to thank our colleagues who helped to translate the non-English articles: Mrs G Bach, Professor JH Barker, Mrs IA Fomichev, Mrs L Jongmans, Dr C Nagata, Dr I Nedelcu, Dr MM Porath, Dr A Romano and Dr R Wang. This work was an investigator-initiated study and partly funded by Guerbet, France. Guerbet is the manufacturer of Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid. The funders had no influence in the study design, data collection, the analyses performed or the interpretation of the study data.