Aernoud Fiolet

151 Colchicine in Patients with Chronic Coronary Disease Table S3 Reasons for Non-Randomization N = 6528 no. (%) Randomized 5522 (84.6%) Not-randomized 1006 (15.4%) Intolerance* 611 (9.4%) Gastro-intestinal upset 437 (6.7%) Myalgia 92 (1.4%) Fatigue or loss of condition 39 (0.6%) Headache 20 (0.3%) Skin issues 15 (0.2%) Other 51 (0.8%) Patient preference other than intolerance 314 (4.8%) Physician or investigators choice 63 (1.0%) No reason provided 18 (0.3%) * Number of participants that report at least one of the specified reasons