Aernoud Fiolet

199 The efficacy and safety of low-dose colchicine in patients with coronary disease Supplementary Table S3: Number needed to treat for the primary end point 1 Year 3 Year Weight Risk estimate Absolute risk reduction NNT Weight Risk estimate Absolute risk reduction NNT Colchicine Placebo Colchicine Placebo LoDoCo2 54.0 % 2.50 % 3.52 % 1.02 % 98 56.7 % 7.32 % 10.77 % 3.45 % 29 COPS 4.7 % 6.05 % 9.17 % 3.12 % 32 NA NA NA NA COLCOT 35.9 % 3.37 % 4.65 % 1.28 % 78 37.6 % 7.63 % 9.30 % 1.67 % 60 LoDoCo 5.4 % 0.71 % 4.02 % 3.31 % 30 5.7 % 4.50 % 15.51 % 11.01 % 9 Weighted- average 100% 2.88% 4.22% 1.34 % 84 100% 7.28 % 10.49 % 3.21 % 40 NA: not available, NNT: Number needed to treat