Aernoud Fiolet

303 Predictors of early intolerance to low-dose colchicine in patients with coronary disease Figure 5b: Univariable associations of CYP3A4 coenzyme statins and intolerance. Outcome Predictor Intolerant (%) OR 95% confidence interval P Value Forrest plot Any intolerance Non-CYP3A4 coenzyme inhbiting statins 96 (9.0%) CYP3A4 inhbiting coenzyme statins 203 (7.5%) 0.82 (0.64 to 1.06) 0.121 Gastro-intestinal intolerance Non-CYP3A4 coenzyme inhbiting statins 55 (5.2%) CYP3A4 coenzyme inhbiting statins 128 (4.7%) 0.91 (0.66 to 1.27) 0.573 Myalgia Non-CYP3A4 coenzyme inhbiting statins 31 (2.9%) CYP3A4 coenzyme inhbiting statins 27 (1.0%) 0.34 (0.20 to 0.57) <0.001 Crude OR Figure 5b: Univariable associations of CYP3A4 coenzyme statins and intolerance. Abbrevations: CYP3A4, Cytochrome P450 3A4; OR, odds ratio Figure 5b: Univariable associations of CYP3A4 coenzyme statins and intolerance. CYP3A4 statins are atorvastatin, lovastatin (not used) and simvastatin). Abbrevations: CYP3A4, Cytochrome P450 3A4; OR, odds ratio Figure 6: Geographical distribution of intolerance due to any percieved side effects A B Figure 6: Geographical d istribution proportion of intolerance. Panel A depicts intolerance on county level. Panel B depicts the same information on province level. Figure 6: Geographical distribution of intolerance due to any perciev d side eff cts A B Figure 6: Geographical d istribution proportion of in lerance. Panel A depicts i tolerance on county lev l. Panel B depicts th sam information on prov ce level. e 6: Geographical distribution of intolerance due to any percieved side effects B Figure 6: Geographical d istribution proportion of intolerance. Panel A depicts intolerance on county level. Panel B depicts the same information e to any percieved side effects B erance. Panel A depicts intolerance on county level. Pa el B depicts the same information on province level. Figure 6: Geographical distribution of the proportion of intolerance. Panel A depicts intolerance on county level. Panel B depicts the same information on province level.