Aernoud Fiolet

352 Chapter 14 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS Table S1: Baseline characteristics of the study sample compared to the original LoDoCo2 cohort Characteristics Current study (n = 945) LoDoCo2 (n = 5522) Age - yr (SD) 65 (8.5) 66 (8.6) Female sex - n (%) 156 (16.5) 746 (13.5) Current smoker - n (%) 148 (15.7) 648 (11.7) Hypertension - n (%) 482 (51.0) 2808 (50.9) Diabetes - n (%) 176 (18.6) 1007 (18.2) Kidney function stage 3a* - n (%) 96 (10.2) 306 (5.5) Prior acute coronary syndrome - n (%) 777 (82.2) 4658 (84.4) Prior coronary revascularization 863 (91.3) 4621 (83.7) Coronary-artery bypass grafting- n (%) 122 (12.9) 710 (12.9) Percutaneous coronary intervention- n (%) 798 (84.4) 4177 (75.6) History of atrial fibrillation - n (%) 146 (15.4) 649 (11.8) History of gout - n (%) 86 (9.1) 446 (8.1) Medication use Single antiplatelet therapy - n (%) 645 (68.3) 3701 (67.0) Dual antiplatelet therapy - n (%) 171 (18.1) 1280 (23.2) Anticoagulant - n (%) 160 (16.9) 672 (12.2) No antiplatelet agent or anticoagulant - n (%) 1 (0.1) 15 (0.3) Statin - n (%) 850 (89.9) 5188 (94.0) Ezetimibe - n (%) 191 (20.2) 1073 (19.4) Any lipid-lowering agent - n (%) 890 (94.2) 5335 (96.6) Renin–angiotensin inhibitor - n (%) 672 (71.1) 3960 (71.7) Beta-blocker - n (%) 658 (69.6) 3427 (62.1) Calcium-channel blocker - n (%) 205 (21.7) 1244 (22.5) *Stage 3a kidney function refers to an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 45 to 59 ml per minute per 1.73 m 2 (mildly to moderately decreased). Stages are based on the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury. 1 Abbreviations: SD: standard deviation