Aernoud Fiolet

400 Appendices Fiolet ATL, Opstal TSJ, Mosterd A, Eikelboom JW, Nidorf SM, Thompson PL, Budgeon C, Tijssen JGP, Cornel JH. Letter to the editor: Colchicine and risk of non- cardiovascular death in patients with coronary artery disease: a pooled analysis underlying possible safety concerns. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy . 2021;7:71. Fiolet ATL. Spijt van spoed in de wetenschap? Een les over peer review, prudentie en publieke druk. Utrecht Student Journal . 2021:28–30. van Dijk WB, Fiolet ATL, Schuit E, Sammani A, Groenhof TKJ, van der Graaf R, de Vries MC, Alings M, Schaap J, Asselbergs FW. Text-mining in electronic healthcare records can be used as efficient tool for screening and data collection in cardiovascular trials: a multicenter validation study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology . 2021;132:97–105. Fiolet ATL, Opstal TSJ,MosterdA, EikelboomJW, Jolly SS, KeechAC, Kelly P, Tong DC, Layland J, Nidorf SM. Efficacy and safety of low-dose colchicine in patients with coronary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. European Heart Journal . 2021;42:2765–75. Fiolet ATL, Opstal TSJ, Cornel JH, Mosterd A. Colchicine bij chronisch coronairlijden. Een nieuwe rol voor een oud medicijn. Focus Vasculair . 2021;6(1);6- 18. Fiolet ATL, Cornel JH, Thompson PL. Colchicine in Patients with Chronic Coronary Disease. Reply. The New England Journal of Medicine . 2021;384:778–9. Fiolet ATL, Nidorf SM, Cornel JH, LoDoCo2 Steering Committee. Colchicine for secondary prevention in coronary disease. European Heart Journal . 2021;42:1060– 1. Fiolet ATL, Thompson PL, Mosterd A. Colchicine in coronary disease: another renaissance of an ancient drug. Cardiovascular Research . 2021;117:e4–6. Fiolet ATL, Daey Ouwens IM. Treatment Evaluation Takes Time - A Cautionary Tale From the History of Malaria Fever Therapy. World Neurology . 2020;35:5–10.