Aernoud Fiolet

407 Acknowledgements The LoDoCo team The LoDoCo team wouldn’t exist without the unrelenting enthusiasm and belief of one medical doctor from Perth. Dr. Mark Nidorf , who used his kitchen table to conceptualize the antiinflammatory properties of colchicine in coronary disease. The hospitality that you and Louise demonstrated is heartwarming. Your passion and incredible work ethic are truly inspiring, as are your never-fading clinical insights. Many times, you have reminded us that scientific findings need to be clinically meaningful, and any scientific journey should only be undertaken if the results will change clinical practice. Your lessons extended beyond the clinical and scientific, touching on deeply philosophical issues (“Life is unsure, so always eat dessert first”). Although the velocity of your scientific discussion sometimes came dangerously close to that of your Audi, it has been an honor to work with you. Your stamina, respect for our collaborators, and witticisms have been a joy so far and will hopefully continue to be for many years to come. Without a doubt, myself and the rest of the team are greatly indebted to our most senior advisor, prof. Peter Thompson . Your scientific track record is dazzling to any investigator, but it is nothing compared to your kindness and accessibility, approaching any researcher with equal regard. Your scientific experience was an inspiration to us and often resulted in you nudging us in the right direction during our meetings. Your mischievous gaze never seems to fade and always made us smile, especially during the moments where you unwillingly became an “SAE” yourself in 2020. I am thankful to have shared many moments of truly scientific change with you. I learned one precious lesson during our Barcelona morning meeting with professor Ridker and others when you showed us that regardless of how important your company may be, one should never miss the opportunity to order a good Danish pastry! The Canadian-but-actually-Australian-but-actually-Dutch second senior mentor to our group is, of course, prof. John Eikelboom , whose extensive scientific experience always amazes us. There is no one who can express the quintessential elements of a scientific undertaking in such an eloquent way as you can. Many of our manuscripts would never have become meaningful if we hadn’t had your insights, subtle phrasing, and vivid writing. Your methodological knowledge and experience as a trialist are truly inspiring, and it is always a delight to see how you disentangle scientific complexities in our field. Although I highly question your circadian rhythm (and sport fanatism), I deeply respect your skill as a