Maartje Boer

CHAPTER 4 108 School Wellbeing Two measures were used. Respondents indicated their school satisfaction ranging from 1 I like it a lot to 4 I don’t like it at all (Inchley et al., 2016) . Scores were rescaled such that high values indicated high school satisfaction. Respondents also indicated their perceived school pressure by rating how pressured they felt by schoolwork, ranging from 1 not at all to 4 a lot (Inchley et al., 2016) . Internal consistency was not calculated given the single-item nature of the measures. Yet, these measures have been used for many years within research using HBSC data (Inchley et al., 2016; Klinger et al., 2015; Torsheim & Wold, 2001). Social Wellbeing Two 4-item subscales of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) (Zimet et al., 1988) were used to assess social wellbeing. The first subscale includes family support . This subscale assessed, for example, whether they can talk about problems with their family, with responses ranging from 1 very strongly disagree to 7 very strongly agree. The second subscale includes friend support that assessed, for example, whether they can count on friends when things go wrong. For both subscales, we calculated adolescents’ mean scores. The internal consistency of both subscales was very good (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.94 and 0.93). Controls The analyses were controlled for gender , age and family affluence. Family affluence was indicated by six items. Respondents reported the households’ number of cars (0 none , 1 one , 2 two or more ), computers (0 none , 1 one , 2 two , 3 more than two ), and bathrooms (0 none , 1 one , 2 two , 3 more than two ), whether they had their own bedroom (0 no , 1 yes ), whether they had a dishwasher (0 no , 1 yes ), and the number of holidays spent abroad in the past year (0 not at all , 1 once , 2 twice , 3 more than twice ). Sum-scores were transformed into proportional ranks that indicate adolescents’ relative family affluence in their residential country (varying from 0 lowest to 1 highest ) (Elgar et al., 2017).