Maartje Boer

THE COURSE OF PROBLEMATIC SMU 225 7 Table A7.3 Results Multinomial Regression, Membership Class 2 (n = 1,419) Class 2: persistently high problematic SMU, persistently average SMU frequency (ref. = class 4: persistently low problematic SMU, variably high SMU frequency) Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E (Figure 7.4) B SE OR B SE OR B SE OR B SE OR B SE OR Controls Girl (ref. = boy) -0.916*** 0.260 0.400 -1.050*** 0.271 0.350 -0.683* 0.273 0.505 -0.393 0.286 0.676 -0.500 0.327 0.610 Pre-vocational education (ref. = pre- university) 0.447 0.417 1.563 0.439 0.438 1.552 0.432 0.415 1.540 0.373 0.476 1.457 0.294 0.471 1.347 Intermediate education (ref. = pre- university) 0.388 0.424 1.474 0.327 0.447 1.387 0.296 0.431 1.345 0.419 0.488 1.524 0.190 0.474 1.210 Immigrant background (ref. = non-immigrant) 0.608* 0.272 1.837 0.682* 0.287 1.979 0.701* 0.287 2.017 0.473 0.323 1.611 0.520 0.333 1.691 Subjective wellbeing Life satisfaction -1.124** 0.327 0.327 -0.793* 0.321 0.454 Self-esteem -0.646 0.350 0.526 0.309 0.386 1.372 Self-control Attention deficit 1.082** 0.354 2.981 0.541 0.429 1.752 Impulsivity 0.264 0.367 1.308 -0.226 0.424 0.805 Social competencies Perceived friendship competence -2.885*** 0.414 0.057 -2.634*** 0.430 0.073 Notes. SMU = social media use; B = logit coefficient; SE = standard error; OR = Odds ratio. *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05.