Maartje Boer

THE COURSE OF PROBLEMATIC SMU 227 7 Table A7.5 Multinomial Regression, Membership Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 (n = 1,419) Class 1: Variably high problematic SMU, variably high SMU frequency Class 2: Persistently high problematic SMU, persistently average SMU frequency Class 3: Persistently low problematic SMU, persistently low SMU frequency Class 4: Persistently low problematic SMU, variably high SMU frequency Ref. = c2 Ref. = c3 Ref. = c4 Ref. = c1 Ref. = c3 Ref. = c4 Ref. = c1 Ref. = c2 Ref. = c4 Ref. = c1 Ref. = c2 Ref. = c3 Controls Girl (ref. = boy) 1.674*** 2.321*** 1.174*** -1.674*** 0.647* -0.500 -2.321*** -0.647* -1.147*** -1.174*** 0.500 1.147*** Pre-vocational education (ref. = pre- university) 1.150* 2.078*** 1.445** -1.150* 0.927* 0.294 -2.078*** -0.927* -0.633* -1.445** -0.294 0.633* Intermediate education (ref. = pre- university) 0.309 1.132* 0.499 -0.309 0.823 0.190 -1.132* -0.823 -0.633* -0.499 -0.190 0.633* Immigrant background (ref. = non-immigrant) -0.420 -0.172 0.100 0.420 0.248 0.520 0.172 -0.248 0.272 -0.100 -0.520 -0.272 Subjective wellbeing Life satisfaction -0.556 -0.881* -1.349*** 0.556 -0.325 -0.793* 0.881* 0.325 -0.468 1.349*** 0.793* 0.468 Self-esteem 0.330 -0.243 0.638 -0.330 -0.573 0.309 0.243 0.573 0.881** -0.638 -0.309 -0.881** Self-control Attention deficit 0.509 1.048* 1.050** -0.509 0.539 0.541 -1.048* -0.539 0.002 -1.050** -0.541 -0.002 Impulsivity 1.833*** 3.667*** 1.607*** -1.833*** 1.834*** -0.226 -3.667*** -1.834*** -2.060*** -1.607*** 0.226 2.060*** Social competencies Perceived friendship competence 2.424*** 1.396** -0.210 -2.424*** -1.028* -2.634*** -1.396** 1.028* -1.606*** 0.210 2.634*** 1.606*** Note. SMU = social media use; Ref. = reference category; c = class. All estimates denote logit coefficients; *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05.