Maartje Boer

CHAPTER 8 THE COMPLEX ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USE INTENSITY AND ADOLESCENT WELLBEING: A LONGITUDINAL INVESTIGATION OF FIVE FACTORS THAT MAY AFFECT THE ASSOCIATION MaartjeBoer, GonnekeW. J. M. Stevens, CatrinFinkenauer, andRegina J. J. M. van denEijnden Author Contributions All authors conceivedof the study. MBconducted the literature review, data analyses, anddrafted the initial and revisedmanuscript. RvdE initiatedand coordinated thedata collectionof thedata fromthepresent study. GS, CF, andRvdE critically reviewedall sections of the initial and revisedmanuscript andadvisedduringall stages of themanuscript preparation. All authors approvedof thefinalmanuscript. Publication Boer, M., Stevens, G.W. J. M., Finkenauer, C., &VandenEijnden, R. J. J. M. (2022). The complex associationbetween socialmedia use intensity andadolescentwellbeing: A longitudinal investigationof five factors thatmay affect the association. Computers inHumanBehavior , 128 , 107084.