Maartje Boer

THE COMPLEX ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SMU AND WELLBEING 279 8 Table A8.4 (continued) Random Effects Models with Social Comparison as Moderator, Life Satisfaction m7b m8b Level 1 ( n = 5,676) B SE p B SE p Wave -0.152 0.014 <0.001 -0.149 0.015 <0.001 SMU problems -0.104 0.010 <0.001 SNS viewing SNS posting -0.012 0.008 0.159 -0.008 0.009 0.389 SNS liking SNS responding IM viewing IM sending Level 2 ( n = 1,419) B SE p B SE p Female 0.020 0.031 0.519 0.011 0.030 0.722 Pre-vocational education -0.061 0.042 0.145 -0.020 0.043 0.642 Immigrant background 0.007 0.057 0.902 0.009 0.057 0.878 Social comparison -0.440 0.029 <0.001 -0.352 0.032 <0.001 SMU problems -0.110 0.017 <0.001 SNS viewing SNS posting -0.014 0.024 0.558 0.014 0.026 0.599 SNS liking SNS responding IM viewing IM sending Cross-level interactions B SE p B SE p SNS viewing * social comparison SNS posting * social comparison -0.013 0.015 0.377 -0.011 0.016 0.481 SNS liking * social comparison SNS responding * social comparison IM viewing * social comparison IM sending * social comparison Random parameters B SE p B SE p Residual variance within 0.394 0.012 <0.001 0.379 0.011 <0.001 Residual variance between 0.211 0.013 <0.001 0.204 0.013 <0.001 Residual variance slope 0.006 0.004 0.107 0.005 0.004 0.179 Covariance slope-intercept -0.001 0.007 0.886 -0.001 0.008 0.907 Fit statistics Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Free parameters 13 15 Deviance/AIC/BIC 12539.9 12565.9 12652.3 12322.5 12352.5 12452.2 Notes . SNS = social network sites; IM = instant messengers; SMU = social media use; Level 1 = yearly measurements; Level 2 = adolescents; B = unstandardized coefficient; SE = standard error, p = p- value; Est. = estimate; Deviance = -2*loglikelihood; AIC = Akaike Information Criterion; BIC = Bayesian Information Criterion.