Maartje Boer

372 Boer, M. , Stevens, G. W. J. M., Finkenauer, C., & Van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M. (2020). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-symptoms, social media use intensity, and social media use problems in adolescents: Investigating directionality. Child Development 91 (4), e853-865. https:// Other Scientific Publications Boer, M ., Twenge, J., Cosma, A., Gariepy, G., Inchley, J., Jericek, H, & Stevens, G. W. J. M. (in preparation). Increases in psychological complaints between 2002 and 2018: The role of schoolwork pressure, family structure, internet use, and obesity. In preparation; author order and title may change. Stevens, G. W. J. M., Boer, M., Walsh, S. D., Delaruelle, K., Kern, M. R. (in preparation). Can national-level migration policies and attitudes toward immigrants alter the immigration-adolescent mental health link? Results fromthe internationally comparativeHBSC study. In preparation; author order and title may change. Bi, S., Stevens, G. W. J. M., Maes, M., Boer, M. , Delaruelle, K., Eriksson, C., Brooks, F. M., Tesler, R., Van der Schuur, W., & Finkenauer, C. (2021). Perceived social support from different sources and adolescent life satisfaction across 42 countries/regions: The moderating role of national-level generalized trust. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (50) , 1384-1409. Craig, W., Boniel-Nissim, M., King, N., Walsh, S. D., Boer, M., Donnely, P. D., Harel-Fisch, Y., Malinowska-Cieslik, M., de Matos, M. G., Cosma, A., van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., Vieno, A., Elgar, F. J., Molcho, M., Bjereld, Y., & Pickett, W. (2020). Social media use and cyber-bullying: A cross-national analysis of young people in 42 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health , 66 (6), S100-S108. Stevens, G. W. J. M., Boer, M. , Titzmann, P. F., Cosma, A. P., & Walsh, S. D. (2020). Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology , 66 , 101075.