Maartje Boer

CHAPTER 3 80 Table A3.2 Prevalence Rates Problematic SMU Items, by Country (n = 222,532 in 44 Countries) Problematic SMU Items Probl. SMU 1 n (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Albania 1650 23.43% 22.19% 35.53% 41.13% 23.84% 39.64% 16.96% 31.82% 19.85% 11.71% Armenia 4430 16.28% 14.19% 21.45% 23.58% 14.38% 16.39% 11.49% 20.80% 13.88% 6.08% Austria 4011 20.14% 15.93% 18.32% 28.54% 17.68% 11.87% 12.98% 29.18% 14.94% 4.85% Azerbaijan 3778 25.73% 21.56% 20.12% 24.89% 18.31% 18.06% 15.68% 22.72% 17.09% 9.99% Belgium (Flanders) 4117 28.04% 16.79% 18.63% 30.78% 15.36% 18.97% 16.12% 29.05% 13.40% 6.73% Belgium (Wallonia) 5221 23.60% 24.98% 24.46% 29.95% 14.84% 23.36% 18.13% 32.43% 18.03% 8.62% Canada 12355 18.30% 15.46% 17.18% 27.70% 12.51% 15.41% 13.77% 31.34% 10.29% 6.28% Croatia 4913 26.22% 19.94% 24.49% 38.54% 19.18% 20.99% 16.57% 30.86% 14.99% 10.31% Czechia 11162 16.40% 14.40% 18.44% 26.51% 13.57% 15.21% 10.82% 27.29% 12.48% 5.26% Denmark 3113 25.36% 8.13% 13.83% 26.82% 7.03% 13.48% 9.39% 31.41% 7.92% 3.91% England 3306 19.88% 18.31% 23.57% 31.35% 13.75% 18.58% 13.77% 34.22% 11.56% 7.77% Estonia 4622 19.13% 19.07% 21.39% 29.45% 11.08% 14.50% 10.83% 35.18% 12.26% 5.81% Finland 3067 34.73% 18.34% 19.38% 31.41% 18.78% 17.46% 12.94% 30.87% 14.44% 10.02% France 8621 22.66% 22.86% 22.00% 26.35% 11.42% 19.37% 17.10% 26.32% 13.22% 7.41% Georgia 4067 18.65% 19.91% 21.76% 31.83% 18.76% 13.89% 9.46% 11.42% 10.10% 4.33% Germany 4126 17.61% 17.51% 19.60% 29.92% 14.98% 14.05% 13.06% 26.05% 18.74% 5.28% Greece 3715 23.67% 23.28% 30.78% 32.09% 15.14% 24.15% 18.69% 42.13% 22.01% 9.98% Hungary 3715 16.66% 21.22% 19.81% 27.80% 15.46% 24.55% 9.27% 30.76% 13.54% 5.38% Iceland 6693 14.97% 12.59% 11.63% 28.70% 7.11% 13.64% 12.25% 18.60% 7.94% 4.66% Ireland 3628 28.42% 23.21% 31.04% 37.43% 14.77% 28.20% 23.26% 40.62% 14.80% 12.01% Israel 7134 24.12% 17.19% 14.40% 23.08% 17.03% 15.14% 8.76% 19.24% 8.02% 5.02% Italy 4069 28.80% 16.93% 22.68% 37.09% 22.56% 28.71% 25.88% 38.84% 24.52% 10.86% Kazakhstan 4488 17.09% 13.07% 13.75% 22.46% 15.95% 12.05% 9.54% 19.65% 9.76% 4.38% Latvia 4143 17.08% 15.04% 22.22% 36.08% 14.13% 13.65% 11.49% 34.89% 12.95% 5.31% Lithuania 3685 21.15% 18.28% 19.52% 30.14% 15.47% 15.92% 12.53% 31.65% 16.98% 7.78% Luxembourg 3889 22.57% 20.82% 25.55% 33.48% 16.60% 17.35% 16.62% 31.96% 19.90% 7.56% Malta 2504 32.04% 35.34% 48.21% 42.10% 21.18% 33.40% 22.31% 35.39% 32.23% 16.41% Netherlands 4579 26.10% 7.33% 15.70% 24.52% 13.14% 14.26% 10.99% 28.41% 4.67% 3.20% North Macedonia 4575 31.16% 25.63% 32.48% 36.41% 26.13% 17.21% 12.17% 47.02% 14.97% 9.55% Norway 3053 21.57% 17.65% 21.97% 29.34% 16.06% 19.24% 17.27% 30.27% 12.91% 9.19% Poland 5055 22.83% 20.68% 26.31% 24.87% 17.18% 20.83% 16.32% 32.85% 14.77% 7.62% Portugal 5866 19.40% 17.59% 20.58% 25.44% 9.42% 14.99% 9.53% 27.25% 10.96% 5.86% Republic of Moldova 4429 23.86% 24.34% 24.14% 34.18% 22.28% 19.87% 15.72% 40.95% 18.37% 7.95% Romania 4483 27.99% 28.29% 27.74% 37.66% 25.76% 28.65% 25.58% 45.41% 18.90% 13.04% Russian Federation 4061 19.98% 16.49% 16.23% 25.56% 18.53% 15.44% 11.76% 28.62% 18.03% 7.65% Scotland 4916 23.42% 19.46% 25.65% 35.03% 15.25% 23.08% 15.16% 34.18% 11.61% 9.36% Serbia 3740 18.10% 17.09% 15.82% 31.52% 16.52% 15.84% 13.79% 31.43% 12.65% 6.96% Slovenia 5126 14.16% 11.74% 15.47% 30.96% 12.93% 13.50% 13.00% 21.96% 13.24% 5.24% Spain 4070 27.86% 29.63% 28.39% 35.66% 24.38% 33.77% 26.75% 33.45% 22.68% 14.27% Sweden 4006 20.15% 15.43% 14.99% 31.53% 8.55% 14.61% 12.60% 35.44% 10.18% 5.17% Switzerland 7122 17.10% 16.53% 15.63% 30.36% 12.40% 16.66% 12.86% 27.53% 16.33% 4.48% Turkey 5541 25.14% 30.23% 25.17% 33.35% 17.01% 23.92% 19.02% 35.39% 24.11% 10.70% Ukraine 6232 23.69% 18.79% 15.01% 36.67% 17.38% 16.69% 10.53% 36.13% 13.38% 6.79% Wales 15456 25.88% 21.16% 26.45% 35.82% 18.33% 24.94% 17.58% 35.93% 15.12% 12.27% Notes. SMU = social media use; (1) = preoccupation; (2) = tolerance; (3) = withdrawal; (4) = persistence; (5) = displacement; (6) = problem; (7) = deception; (8) = escape; (9) = conflict. Rates in italics indicate the row minimum with respect to the nine items; rates in boldface indicate the row maximum with respect to the nine items. 1 Problematic SMU, i.e., presence of six to nine symptoms. The present prevalence estimates for problematic SMU slightly differ from previously reported prevalence estimates using the same data (Boer, Van den Eijnden, et al., 2020) ( M Δ = -0.01 percentage point, min. = -0.29 in Italy, max. = +0.42 in Canada). These small differences are the result of improved estimation of missing data due to inclusion of more data (countries) in the present study. Also, the present prevalence estimate of the Belgian (Wallonia) sample deviates more from the previous report (Boer, Van den Eijnden, et al., 2020) (+0.6 percentage point), because the present study used a larger subsample that became available in a later release of the data.