Maartje Boer

CROSS-NATIONAL VALIDATION OF THE SMD-SCALE 99 3 Table A3.13 Summary of Sensitivity Analysis Cut-off 6-9 Cut-off 5-9 Cut-off 7-9 Countries 1 β average 2 β pooled 3 Countries 1 β average 2 β pooled 3 r 4 Countries 1 β average 2 β pooled 3 r 5 Problematic SMU and life satisfaction 40 -0.397 -0.395 42 -0.371 -0.372 0.953 40 -0.417 -0.408 0.934 Problematic SMU and psychosomatic complaints 44 0.654 0.648 44 0.620 0.609 0.938 43 0.682 0.670 0.929 Problematic SMU and intensity of online communication 41 0.301 0.313 42 0.285 0.309 0.948 39 0.300 0.294 0.940 Notes. SMU = social media use; β = STDY-effect size (i.e., B /standard deviation(Y)), controlled for gender, age, and socioeconomic status. 1 Number of countries where a significant association was observed in the same direction as in the pooled sample. 2 Average magnitude of the association computed from the effect sizes of 44 countries. 3 Magnitude of the associated computed from the pooled sample. 4 Correlation between the effect sizes based on a 5-9 cut-off and the effect sizes based on a 6-9 cut-off ( n = 44 countries). 5 Correlation between the effect sizes based on a 7-9 cut-off and the effect sizes based on a 6-9 cut-off ( n = 44 countries).