Figure 1: Agreement for ratings for the quantitative scale (QUANT), overall Missing in 2 cases for TP; OSI: On‐site investigator, TP: Treating physician Figure 2: Correspondence between different outcome measures, assessment by the treating physician 0 10 20 30 40 50 012345678910 Frequency (n) QUANTitative score Definitely contrib./major cause Definitely contrib./minor cause Possibly contrib./major cause" Possibly contrib./minor cause Did not contrib. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Did not contribute Contribitury but unrelated Causal sequence Sole cause Frequency (n) WHO‐categories Definitely contrib./major cause Definitely contrib/minor cause. Possibly contrib./major cause Possibly contrib/minor cause. Did not contrib. A. 3CAT, combined with minor/major cause, and QUANT (n=287) B. 3CAT combined with minor/major cause, and WHOCAT (n=284) 116 Chapter 6