Tjallie van der Kooi

HH intervention CVC intervention Both interventions Observation form elements BL INT P‐value BL INT P‐value BL INT P‐value Maximum sterile barrier precautions Cap 46.3 74.8 <0.0001 94.0 100 <0.0001 82.8 99.4 <0.0001 Mask 70.9 94.7 <0.0001 96.3 100 <0.0001 84.0 99.5 <0.0001 Hand hygiene before gloving 56.8 81.8 <0.0001 51.4 91.7 <0.0001 87.4 99.0 <0.0001 Sterile gown 59.0 86.7 <0.0001 76.9 99.8 <0.0001 51.7 98.4 <0.0001 Large sterile drape* 43.6 81.5 <0.0001 24.0 61.5 <0.0001 23.3 94.2 <0.0001 Sequence respected 50.7 85.2 <0.0001 36.6 93.4 <0.0001 67.5 95.2 <0.0001 Catheter fixation and dressing Catheter correctly fixed 99.1 99.8 0.18 98.6 99.1 0.54 100.0 100.0 1.00 Insertion site disinfected 98.2 99.8 0.02 42.0 78.9 <0.0001 100.0 100.0 1.00 Insertion site fully covered by the dressing 99.1 99.8 0.18 99.1 98.9 1.00 98.6 99.7 0.02 Follow‐up Daily evaluation of the ongoing need of the CVCb 94.9 99.7 <0.0001 97.9 94.7 0.02 85.9 77.7 0.0004 a Due to budgetary reasons, three hospitals were not able to provide large drapes and/or alcohol‐based chlorhexidine; b Not taken into account if not applicable. BL, baseline; CVC, central venous catheter; HH, hand hygiene; INT, intervention; MSB: maximal sterile barrier (precautions)