0 10 20 30 40 50 1-4 5-9 10-14 15+ device use days (until infection) incidence density (per 1000 device days) VAP CVC sepsis CAD UTI Figure 1: Incidence densities of deviceāassociated infections per 1,000 device days, according to duration of device use. 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122+ xth day at risk % acquiring VAP of patients at risk, per day Figure 2: The proportion of all patients ventilated for x days or longer that develop VAP at day x and 95% confidence intervals. 2 27 Device-associated infections and associated mortality in the ICU