Erik Nutma

107 TSPO in neurodegeneration Figure S1. a Boxplot showing TSPO fold change in human and mouse macrophages in baseline and IFNγ treated samples. b Boxplot showing PU.1 (SPI1) transcription factor and TSPO gene expression change in IFNγ treated macrophage compared to baseline condition. Figure S2. Of the 24 rodent species examined here, 12/24 are from the Muroidea superfamily (purple branches). 10 of these 12 Muroidea species contain the AP1 binding site in the TSPO promoter (green highlight). We did not find any rodent species outside the Muroidea superfamily that contain the AP1 binding site in the TSPO promoter. The phylogenetic analysis shows that majority of the species (9/12) fromMuroidea superfamily forms a single clade. Phylogenetic tree was generated using the Maximum Parsimony method in MEGA11. The consistency index (CI) is 0.623399 (0.553120) and the retention index (RI) is 0.525671 (0.525671) for all sites and parsimony-informative sites (in parentheses). The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (1000 replicates) are shown next to the branches.