Erik Nutma

47 Translocator protein expression in multiple sclerosis TSPO expression in lymphocytes Expression of TSPO in adaptive immune cells was investigated by double staining CD20+ B-cells and CD3+ T-cells in white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis (Fig. 2K,L). The density of TSPO expression in CD3+ T-cells was very low in all lesion types (Fig. 2K) compared to expression by microglia. CD20+ B-cells showed relatively stronger expression of TSPO in active (Fig. 2L), chronic active and inactive lesion types. However, in the cases studied in this study T and B-cell numbers were low in multiple sclerosis lesions and in the NAWM, and did not contribute significantly to the total number of TSPO+ cells (<1% of total TSPO+ cells). CON WM NAWM LC WM CON GM NAGM LC GM Intracortical Subpial Transcortical 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 TSPO+ HLA-DR+ cells / mm2 CON WM NAWM LC WM CON GM NAGM LC GM Intracortical Subpial Transcortical 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 TSPO+ cells / mm2 Control WM NAWM Leukocortical WM Control GM NAGM Leukocortical GM A B C D E F G H I TSPO/HLA-DR J K Intracortical Subpial Transcortical Figure 3. TSPO expression in grey matter lesions. Representative images of TSPO expression in control (A,D) and multiple sclerosis (B,C,E-I) in grey matter lesions; NAWM (B), and NAGM (E); leukocortical white matter (C), and grey matter (F); intracortical (G), subpial (H), and transcortical (I) lesions. Similar to WM lesions leukocortical WM lesions showed large TSPO+HLA-DR- cells (black arrowheads; C) which were GFAP+ astrocytes (C, insert). No differences were found in TSPO+ cells in grey matter lesions (J). No significant increase in TSPO+HLA-DR+ cells were found in grey matter lesions compared to control (K). Data is expressed as mean ±. Scale bars (A-I) = 50 μm. Inserts are digitally zoomed in to 800x., LC = leukocortical, WM = white matter, GM = grey matter, NAWM = normal appearing white matter, NAGM = normal appearing grey matter.