Alexander Beulens

115 Structured robot-assisted surgery training curriculum for residents in Urology and impact on future surgical activity Methods Study design and participant selection The study contains two separate study populations for the survey and for the training. Snap shot survey study population. Participants included in this study were residents and young specialists in Urology. A snap-shot survey has been sent to all the residents and young specialists in Urology graduated in the Netherland during the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The snapshot survey structure. The survey was designed to gain insights into the position of robot-assisted surgery in the urology curriculum and the manner of training received by the residents before their first robot-assisted procedure. The questionnaire, developed using Google forms ( was distributed by the Dutch Society of Urology via E-mail. The questions are presented in table 1. The questionnaires were developed by a group of urologists, the questionnaire was validated using face validity by a panel of experts in the field of surgical robotics. Advanced training course study population. Residents from the last year of residency program and young Urologists have been selected to participate to an advanced course in RAS at ORSI Academy (Belgium). The selection process has been performed using a questionnaire and specific criteria based on the motivation/interest in RAS, the successful completion of the DaVinci online training module, the availability of a supervisor at their institution, and the possibility to perform RAS after the course,(Appendix 1). The proposed advanced course in RAS was based on the training curriculum for Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP) developed by Mottrie et al. (CC-ERUS = Certified Curriculum from the European Association of Urology - Robotic Urology Section) (Appendix 2).15 The participants’ surgical skills have been assessed before and after the course. Moreover, they have been asked to complete specific questionnaires immediately after and at different follow-up periods after the course. Advanced training course structure The structure of the advanced RAS course (part of the CC-ERUS curriculum) is well displayed in Appendix 2. The advanced RAS course is an intensive 5-day course performed at ORSI Academy in Belgium. It contemplated VR simulation, dry lab, and web lab facility.