Alexander Beulens

125 Structured robot-assisted surgery training curriculum for residents in Urology and impact on future surgical activity Scores on the simulation exercises The overall scores of the simulation exercises on the VR simulator are represented in Appendix 3 and Figure 1. All participants show a significant increase in overall score following the training. The highest increase in simulator scores were seen in the camera and clutching and needle driving exercises (78.40 vs 87.40, p=0.040). The lowest increase was seen in the Endowrist manipulation exercises (93.40 vs 97.65, p=0.045). Follow-up data of the participants A total of 11 participants (78,6%) have responded to the follow-up questionnaire administered 6 months after the course (Table 3). 10 out of the 11 respondents have performed RAS on a real patient in the first six months after the course. More than half of the respondents (6 out of 10) have performed 10 or more robot assisted surgery procedures as a first surgeon in this time. Most of the respondents (90%) performed robot assisted radical prostatectomy’s in this period. Some also performed robot assisted radical cystectomy’s (36.6%), robot assisted partial nephrectomy’s (36.6%) or robot assisted radical nephrectomy’s (27,3%) in the first six months after the course. A total of 11 participants out of 14 responded to the questionnaire administered 12 months after the course (Table 5). More than 90% of the respondents have performed robot assisted surgery on a real patient in the first year after the course. Half of the respondents (5 out of 10) have performed 10 or more robot assisted surgery procedures as a first surgeon in this period. Seven out of 10 respondents performed robot assisted radical prostatectomies in the 12 months after the course. Five respondents also performed robot assisted radical nephrectomies, 3 performed robot assisted radical cystectomies and 2 performed robot assisted partial nephrectomies. Factors predicting exposure to robot assisted surgery during follow-up A total of 10 respondents indicated how many RAS procedures they performed as first surgeons during the first 6 months after the course. The results in appendix 4 show the baseline and final overall scores of the simulation exercises. The scores do not predict the chance of a participant performing more than 10 RAS procedures as a first surgeon.