Alexander Beulens

151 Five Years of the CC-ERUS Fellowship: A Survey of the Experiences and Post-fellowship Work of the Fellows Number of participants % Percentage of patients that use more than one inlay/diaper per day of surgeries performed in the last 6 months 1-10% 10 22.2 11-20% 7 15.6 21-30% 1 2.2 31-40% 1 2.2 unknown 26 57.8 Percentage of patients that have adequate erectile function of surgeries performed in the last 6 months 11-20% 3 6.7 21-30% 2 4.4 31-40% 5 11.1 41-50% 5 11.1 51-60% 2 4.4 71-80% 1 2.2 unknown 27 60.0 Number of patients with a positive surgical margin in the last 10 pT2 cases 0 patients 5 11.1 1 patient 5 11.1 2 patients 11 24.4 3 patients 8 17.8 4 patients 2 4.4 Unknown margins 14 31.1 Number of patients with a positive surgical margin in the last 10 pT3 cases 0 patients 12 26.7 1 patient 13 28.9 2 patients 6 13.3 3 patients 2 4.4 unknown 12 26.7 Table 3 Functional and oncological outcomes of the most recent surgeries performed by the fellows