Alexander Beulens

167 Linking surgical skills to postoperative outcomes: a Delphi study on the robot assisted radical prostatectomy assessment is suitable for predicting complications and functional patient outcomes, respectively. According to 92.0% of the experts, the use of video assessment could reduce the risk of complications. All experts were interested in participating in the analysis of surgical videos. Most experts had the means to record surgical videos (80.0%) and can link these videos to surgical data (90.1%). Table 3 consensus meeting participants and their institute, occupation and voting status Participant Institute Occupation Voting status H. van der Poel Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam/ Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Urologist Voting R. Meijer University Medical Centre Utrecht Urologist Voting H. Beerlage Jeroen Bosch Hospital, Den Bosch Urologist Voting M. Busstra Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam Urologist Voting C. Wijburg Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem Urologist Voting A. Hendrikx Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven Urologist N.P Non-voting J. van Merienboer Maastricht University Educational Expert Non-voting W. Brinkman Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam Urologist in training Non-voting A. Beulens Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven / Netherlands institute for health services research (NIVEL), Utrecht PhD -student Non-voting Table 4 Results of the first and second online Delphi survey and combined consensus results after Delphi meeting. *MAS = Median agreement Score Statement MAS* Consensus MAS* Consensus Combined Consensus after Delphi meeting Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 The relation of the statement to postoperative complications Operating quickly results in better outcomes for the patient (speed is related to insight and therefore a good measure) in terms of complications 5 no 6 no no Shorter operating times result in fewer complications 6,5 no 7 agree agree The use of as few different instruments as possible lead to fewer complications 3 disagree 3 disagree disagree Not to using the 3rd arm of the robot leads to fewer complications. 1 disagree disagree