Alexander Beulens

169 Linking surgical skills to postoperative outcomes: a Delphi study on the robot assisted radical prostatectomy Table 4 continued The use of as few different instruments as possible leads to better functional results 3,5 no 3 disagree disagree Not to using the 3rd arm of the robot leads to better functional results. 2 disagree 2 disagree disagree Zooming in more on the operation field is better (closer gives better vision) as it leads to better functional results. 7 agree 7 agree agree More zooming out of the operating field is better (further away gives better overview and less dirty of the camera lens) as it leads to better functional results 4 no 2,5 disagree disagree The suture material used has an influence on the functional results 6 no 6 no no Fewer camera movements result in improved functional results 3 disagree 5,5 no no Fewer instrument movements result in improved functional results 5 no 6,5 no agree A lower estimated blood loss results in improved functional results. 4 no 6 no no A shorter duration of coagulation results in improved functional results 7 agree 7 agree agree Placing fewer stitches results in improved functional results. 4 no 4 no disagree Placing fewer clips results in improved functional results 5 no 3 disagree disagree Inspection of the abdomen results in improved functional results 3 disagree 2,5 disagree disagree Steps of the surgery associated with complications Abdominal cavity approach/port placement 5 no 6 no no Statement MAS* Consensus MAS* Consensus Combined Consensus after Delphi meeting Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2