Alexander Beulens

171 Linking surgical skills to postoperative outcomes: a Delphi study on the robot assisted radical prostatectomy Consensus group meeting Of the 18 invited experts, five participated in the consensus group meeting. In total, this meeting was attended by nine participants, whose occupation and voting status are presented in Table 3. Final consensus statements Table 4 shows the statements on which consensus was reached, organized per domain. The results of the Delphi Survey and the consensus group meeting were used to develop the assessment instrument PROTEST (PRostatectomy video Observation to Evaluate and Score Technical skill) (Table 5). This instrument contains the seven Ligation of prostate pedicles 5 no 4,5 no disagree Nerve preservation 7 agree 6,5 no agree Management of prostate apex/urethra 9 agree agree Prostate removal 1 disagree disagree Urethro-vesical anastomosis 8,5 agree 9 agree agree Lymph node dissection 2 disagree 3 disagree disagree Wound closure and specimen removal 1 disagree disagree disagree Factors that play a role in the origins of postoperative complications Teamwork 9 agree agree Communication between the surgeon and the surgical team 9 agree agree Surgical skills of the surgeon 9 agree agree Patient factors (i.e. Age, BMI, tumour size) 8 agree 7,5 agree agree Elements that are essential for the training of novice surgeons Theoretical education 8 agree 8,5 agree agree Simulator training, practice on virtual reality simulators 8 agree 8,5 agree agree Wetlab practice, training on animals 8 agree 8 agree agree Cadaver training 7 agree 7 agree agree Drylab training, practice on models 7 agree 7 agree agree Supervised practice on real patients 9 agree agree Fellowship 9 agree agree Statement MAS* Consensus MAS* Consensus Combined Consensus after Delphi meeting Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Table 4 continued