Alexander Beulens

213 Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A survery on the influence of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review on postoperative complications and functional results. Different strategies of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review All of the respondents who incorporated video review showed either fast-forwarded or edited videos (i.e. specific phases of the surgery of fast-forwarded videos). Respondents reported several limitations of video review: lack of storage capacity, lack of structured video database, no structured analysis of videos, lack of time to edit and view videos, and privacy issues. Three respondents reported no limitations and one respondent stated they have staff editing the video material and have extra servers to store video cases. Other respondents would tackle stated limitations by clearing time schedule of staff and residents to view videos, hiring staff to edit videos to only see the relevant frames, creating a structured database with easy storage and acces to videos that meets privacy standards. All but one respondents (96%) recommended implementation of video review, even those who did not yet practice it. They assumed it improves outcomes through self-reflection, feedback from a colleague who might see details they did not, or from observing different techniques and ‘tricks’ of a colleague. The participants stated it is important for both residents and staff to take a step back and view their own and others’ techniques. It made them realize their limitations and where to focus their Country of origin Belgium 4 (13) Great Britain 4 (13) Italy 4 (13) Germany 3 (10) France 3 (10) The Netherlands 3 (10) Australia 1 (3.3) Greece 1 (3.3) India 1 (3.3) Spain 1 (3.3) Turkey 1 (3.3) Czech Republic 1 (3.3) United States 1 (3.3) Sweden 1 (3.3) Switzerland 1 (3.3) Question n (%) Table 1. continued *Seven respondents had multiple occupations. *Three respondents were professor, chief and trainer. Two respondents were professor and chief. One respondent was professor and trainer. One respondent was chief and trainer.