Alexander Beulens

214 Chapter 8 improvement. The respondents believe video reviewing improves skills such as dexterity, speed, tissue handling. One respondent who incorporated video reviewing in the training program of residents stated ‘’Changes [in skills] happen in real time. I see the benefits of their efforts with each succeeding case.’’ The respondents advised similar formats: choose videos of complications or specific surgical steps, periodically review and discuss these videos in a panel of experts/colleagues or with mentor and Table 2. Organization of postoperative result analysis Question n (%) Do you organize postoperative result analysis? Yes 27 (90) Interval Once a month 7 (26%) Once every two months 1 (3.7) Once every three months 9 (30) Twice a year 9 (30) Once a year 3 (11) Setting Alone 2 (7.4) Group meeting, staff only 8 (30) Group meeting including residents 13 (48) One on one 4 (15) Do you include video reviews? Always 7 (41) 75% of the time 7 (41) 50% of the time 2 (12) 25% of the time 1 (5.9) In what way are videos shown? Edited videos, only certain phases 11 (65) Fast forwarded video's 6 (35) Are videos shown of one surgeon or multiple surgeons One surgeon 3 (18) Multiple surgeons 14 (82) Provision of background information during video reviews Blind 1 (5.9) Yes case information after preliminary discussion 1 (5.9) Yes, case information only 4 (24) Yes, case information and surgeon information 11 (65) Provision of feedback based on video review Yes, at a later time one-on-one verbally 4 (24) Yes, during the meeting 11 (65) No 2 (12)