Alexander Beulens

218 Chapter 8 Discussion A survey was performed amongst international RARP surgeons to gain insight into the use, extent and possible effect of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review in daily clinical practice. The use of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review in daily practice Results of this study show both postoperative results analysis and surgical video review are used in the daily practice of most experts surveyed. Most of the respondents select cases for video review based on the postoperative results. Those respondents who have not yet implemented surgical video review are interested in implementation of video review in their practice. Three respondents did not use postoperative results analysis or surgical video review in their practice. Different strategies of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review Although the frequency and structure of these meetings vary, results of this study show RARP surgeons assume video analysis benefits postoperative results. Most RARP surgeons do not use entire videos but only use phases of videos during the video review. They edit the video to only show phases that the RARP surgeons feel are of interest concerning the outcome of the specific case. During the review meetings in the clinics of the surgeons included in this study, most teams show videos of different urologists of their centre whilst discussing data of the patient and surgeon. In one clinic, case information is presented without identifying the surgeon. In most clinics, feedback on the surgical techniques observed in the videos is given during these meetings. The use of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review in improving daily practice and reduction of complications. All surgeons included in this study think surgical video review should be implemented not only for trainees but also as a form of self-reflection for established surgeons. This is in agreement with the results of our previous publication.1 RARP surgeons feel the implementation of postoperative results analysis and surgical video review could reduce complications and improve outcomes, this is similar to the results of the study by Schlomm et al.8 and Cathcart et al.9 Multiple RARP surgeons use the postoperative results analysis and surgical video review as a manner to evaluate their surgical results and check the effects of changes in surgical approach. Two respondents use a dual console of the robot to perform live