Alexander Beulens

270 Chapter 10 Appendix Appendix 1 matching scores per pair of patients. The patients were matched based on age (difference < 5 years = 1 matching point), BMI (difference < 3 points = 1 matching point), date of the surgery (difference < 3 months = 1 matching point), and preoperative intention of saving the neurovascular bundles during surgery on both sides (NVB sparing the same in both patients = 1 matching point). N= None, NI = Not Identical, * Non-nerve-sparing on one or both sides. Study # impotent Study # potent pair Difference OR date (days) Match point OR date Difference NVB Match point NVB Difference BMI (points) Match point BMI Difference age (years) Match point age Total score match point Matched pair selected (yes/No) 12 35 435 0 None 1 0.97 1 0 1 3 Y 33 27 81 1 None 1 3.77 0 19 0 2 Y 67 71 33 1 None 1 0.61 1 10 0 3 Y 77 78 2 1 None 1 1.06 1 7 0 3 Y 143 121 246 0 None 1 0.98 1 4 1 3 Y 109 119 98 0 None 1 0.83 1 3 1 3 Y 77 71 40 1 None 1 1.81 1 6 0 3 N 79 103 243 0 None* 1 10.0 0 2 1 2 N 97 103 56 1 None* 1 17.45 0 3 1 3 N 179 180 7 1 Not identical* 0 1.11 1 1 1 3 N 67 58 70 1 None 1 0.78 1 12 0 3 N A total 11 possible match pairs were identified for the nine potent patients. Individual patients were part of multiple matched pairs in the case of six matched pairs (67/58, 67/71, 77/71, 77/78, 79/103, and 97/103). Of these matched pairs, 67/58 and 77/71 were not chosen, because match pair 67/71 and 77/78 matched better on the date of the surgery, which reduces the influence of the learning curve on the postoperative results. The matched pairs 179/180, 79/103, and 97/103 were not chosen, since these surgeries were nonnerve-sparing on one or both sides. The residual matched pairs were chosen since they were the only remaining matches.