Alexander Beulens

272 Chapter 10 Appendix 3 factors used for assessment of potency according to the analysis of two expert surgeons Patient ID. Expert 1 Expert 2 Nerve sparing Bundle Haemostasis management Nerve sparing Bundle Haemostasis management 12 fair clips Left fair, right limited monopolar coagulation right 27 reasonable clips reasonable monopolar coagulation left 33 fair clips poor monopolar coagulation both sides 35 thin clips fair No coagulation 67 partial hemolocks fair coagulation left, right no coagulation 71 Partial clips Fair 77 clips Fair 78 Clips, monopolar coagulation Fair 109 clips, additional coagulation + stiches Good Good 119 partial preservation clips+bipolar, Limited Stapler 121 Limited right reasonable left Stapler Poor Stapler 143 thick clips Fair Clips