Alexander Beulens

283 Identifying the relationship between postoperative urinary continence and residual urethra stump measurements in robot assisted radical prostatectomy patients Pre-operative and post-operative continence were defined according to the International Consultation Incontinence Modular Questionnaire -Short Form (ICIQ-SF score).16 The ICIQ-SF is a patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) questionnaire that assesses the patient’s urinary incontinence status with three questions. The cumulative scores of the three questions (0-21 points) represents the patient’s experience of urinary incontinence. The study was designed as a retrospective feasibility study of patients from our institutional database. Methods of measurement The automated surgical movements tracking was performed using Kinovea 0.8.15. Kinovea was used to assess the length and width of the urethra in pre-recorded videos. In all the patients the urethral stump was measured on a video frame taken during the dissection of the urethra when the circumference of the catheter was well visible. The software was able to measure the length and width of the urethra by calibrating these measurements to the width of the transurethral catheter as shown in figure 2b. A standardized 16 Charriere (width = 5,3333 mm) latex or silicone Foley catheter was used in all patients. Anatomical structures are represented in figure 2a, figure 2c and figure 2f. The width of the catheter was subtracted from the SUW to obtain the accurate thickness of the urethral tissue. The measurements were performed by one rater (AB) who underwent a specific training in both the surgical procedure and the use of Kinovea software. The rater was blinded to the patient’s self-reported postoperative continence status. Pre-operative MRI measurements of the urethra were performed according to the study by Grivas (figure 2).4 In this study, the MUL was measured from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus (midsagittal T2, figure 2d), the Maximal Urethral Width (MUW) was defined as maximal diameter of urethra (axial T2), the Ventral Urethral Length (VUL) was measured from the apex of prostate to the pelvic floor muscles (coronal T2-weighted, figure 2e), and the Ventral Urethral width (VUW) was defined as maximal diameter of urethra at the location of the VUL measurement (axial T2, figure 2g). These measurements were used to verify the results of the Kinovea measurements. Ethical approval This study was granted approval from and was in accordance with the institutional medical ethics committee. Informed consent was obtained from all participants Data analysis Descriptive statistics was performed for all available patients and tumour variables.