Alexander Beulens

290 Chapter 11 Table 4 Univariate logistic regression analysis of factors possibly influencing the continence status of patients. OR 95% C.I. for OR P-value VUL. Ventral Urethral length, measured from apex of prostate to the pelvic floor muscles (coronal T2-weighted) 1.642 1.095 – 2.464 0.017 MUL, length of the membranous urethra from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus (midsagittal T2) 3.156 1.324 – 7.527 0.010 SUL, Surgical Urethral Length Measured using Kinovea 1.314 0.999 – 1.728 0.051 VUW, Ventral Urethral width, defined as maximal diameter of urethra at the location of the VUL measurement (axial T2) 0.573 0.237 – 1.385 0.216 MUW, Maximal Urethral Width, defined as maximal diameter of urethra (axial T2) 1.173 0.596 – 2.310 0.644 SUW, Surgical Urethral Width Measured using Kinovea 1.156 0.840 – 1.592 0.374 BMI 0.950 0.768 – 1.174 0.633 Prostate size 0.985 0.945 – 1.027 0.477 Age 0.938 0.812-1.084 0.386 Nerve sparing left 2.519 0.460 – 13.801 0.287 Nerve sparing right 1.556 0.289 – 8.379 0.607 Year of surgery 1.254 0.465 – 3.382 0.655